Friday, October 11, 2024

Surrender Your Pride and Power


'O people of Judah and Jerusalem, surrender your pride and power. Change your hearts before the Lord , or my anger will burn like an unquenchable fire because of all your sins. ' Jeremiah 4:4


The Lord is speaking through Jeremiah here and tells His people that they need to change their hearts and surrender their pride and power or His anger would burn against them. God always comes against the proud and tells them to change their hearts. I believe pride is something God hates for than anything because you cannot worship and trust God is your pride says you can take care of yourself and you have no need of Him.


I want to walk before the Lord all the days of my life in genuine humility. There is no place for pride in the people of God. I want God to know that I trust Him with my life more than I trust myself. My reliance and trust must be in Him and not in myself. Every good thing in my life has come from the hand of God and not from my own making. When I am humble before Him, He will fight my battles and bless my life. It is better to walk in humility and trust God than to walk in pride and trust myself. He is right. I am wrong.


Father, teach me to walk in great humility. Let my heart be pure before You. You are the source of every good thing in my life. You are my strength and my salvation. You are the joy of my heart. You are my everything. Let me never trust in my education, my money, my strength, etc. Let my trust be always in You and You alone. Let me demonstrate real, not false, humility.

Yours Forever,


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