Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Don't Give the Devil an Opportunity


Ephesians 4:26-27  "Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil and opportunity".


In Ephesians, Paul speaks much about treating each other right.  He deals with relationships, love, forgiveness, and walking together in unity quite a bit.  In this passage, he tells us not to let the sun go down on our anger and not to give the devil an opportunity.  Apparently giving the devil an opportunity in our lives has much to do with getting along well with others.


Satan loves to bring division, discord and disunity to God's people.  We must be aware of his schemes and not give him opportunity.  When we stay angry instead of walking in forgiveness and love with each other, we are giving the devil opportunity.  He will take every opportunity given to him to use it against us as God's children.  We will get angry at times, but we can't let it stay in our lives.  We must forgive and restore quickly and not let the devil do his work.


Father, let me walk in complete freedom as it relates to relationships.  I realize the devil loves to destroy relationships and bring division.  Help me not to bring discord, but unity at all times.  Help me represent you well.  Bless our trip tonight to Costa Rica.  Let there be great unity on our team and pour out Your Spirit on the people of that beautiful nation.


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