Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Who Needs a Doctor?


Matthew 9:12 "When Jesus heard this, he said, 'Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do'".


Jesus had been invited to the home of a tax collector who was becoming one of his disciples.  At the home were other tax collectors and sinners of all types.  The religious people asked his disciples why their teacher would hang out with such scum of the earth.  Jesus replied that healthy people don't need a doctor, sick people do.  Jesus wasn't afraid to be around ungodly people.  As a matter of fact, He did it quite often.


It seems the longer we are saved, the more separated we become from the ungodly of this world.  We want to go to church and hang around only believers where we are safe and people understand us.  We gather in holy huddles while the world is going to hell.  Those who need us most, can't get to us because we don't want to associate with anyone who isn't saved.  Maybe we feel they would rub off on us or something.  Doctors have to risk germs, or they can't heal anyone.  We are to be salt and light!  If that is the case, then we need to get out of the salt shaker and get around some people who need light.


Father, forgive me for spending most of my time around those who don't need You.  Help me to see clearly how to make the greatest impact for You and Your kingdom through my life.  I want to lead people to Christ and RESCUE as many as possible this year.  Teach me how.


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