Monday, June 25, 2012

Living Radiant


Luke 11:36 "If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light".


In this scripture, Jesus is talking about living in the light.  He talks about keeping your light on a lamp post for all to see.  He then shifts to talking about internal things.  He says that if you eye is filled with light, your body will be filled with light.  He says if we allow God's light into our lives and make sure we have no dark corners, our lives will become radiant, like a floodlight was filling us.


God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.  When we are filled with Him, we will radiate light and live radiant lives.  He wants to fill us completely, and for us to have no dark corners of our lives.  When this happens, we will look like people who have a floodlight inside of them.  We should light up every room we walk  into.  We should change the atmosphere of dark places because God's light is shining through us.  We must get all darkness out of our lives and be filled with God and let His light shine through us.


Father, empty me of me and let my life be filled with You.  Expose the dark corners of my life so that You can shine through in radiance.  I want to light up the world with Your glorious light.  Fill me today and let me be the person You want me to be.  You are light and I want my life to be a floodlight of Your glory everywhere I go.


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