Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Refuge in the Day of Trouble


Jeremiah 16:19 "Lord, You are my strength and fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble! Nations from around the world will come to You and say, 'Our ancestors left us a foolish heritage, for they worshiped worthless idols'".


Jeremiah was given some really strong words from the Lord to deliver to God's people. When he delivered the words, the people hated him for it. He was just trying to serve God and do what God asked, and was hated for it by all of God's people. In the midst of everyone hating him for his words, he cries out to God and tells him, "You are my strength and fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble!". All through the Bible you can see God's people being attacked by their enemies and finding refuge in the Lord. God always protects what is His!


Jeremiah suffered persecution because he spoke up for God in the midst of a nation that had abandoned God. He was under constant attack by those who didn't like his message, simply because his message was true and they knew it in their hearts. In the midst of it, God is his refuge and strength. The place he could run to when he was persecuted. God is our protector. When we speak up for Him, He takes care of us. In the day of trouble, he is still a refuge. We must find that place of safety in Him.


Lord, You are my strength and fortress. You are my refuge in the day of trouble. You are my safe place I can run to when the enemy attacks. Help me to walk with You more and deeper. Teach me to find my refuge in You. You are my rock, my strength, and my deliverer! I love You Lord.

Your Son,


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