Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Arguing with God


Isaiah 45:9 "Does a clay pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying 'Stop, you're doing it wrong!' Does the pot exclaim, 'How clumsy can you be?'"


Isaiah is prophesying to Israel about her condition. He addresses the fact that they are unhappy with God and the way He is doing things. He gives a beautiful illustration about clay that helps us understand even better what he is saying. God created us, He should have control over how we are used, where we serve Him, and how we live our lives. The clay doesn't tell the potter what to do, it just becomes what the potter intended.


We are God's workmanship. We have been created for good works. God has give us a hope and a future. He has given his own life for us and yet we don't trust Him. We argue with him about what we think He should be doing in our lives. We want to tell Him how He should work in our lives. In this verse we realize that we need to be quiet, submit to God and let Him shape us into His image. He is the potter and knows what need to be happening in our lives right now to make a better tomorrow.


Lord, Once again I hear you asking if I trust You. It is so easy to take over the reigns of life and work everything out without even consulting You about it. Help me to trust that You know what is best for me and my family. Help me to lean on You more every day and not argue with what You are doing in my life. Thanks for saving souls this week at Word of Life.


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