Friday, March 16, 2012

A Fountain or a Cistern?


Jeremiah 2:13 "For my people have done two evil things: They have abandoned me - the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!"


The Lord is speaking through Jeremiah concerning His people Israel whom He had done so much for in their history, yet they continued to prostitute themselves with other gods. God calls these two things "evil". The first thing he mentions is the fact that they had abandoned Him, the fountain of living water. Here God claims of Himself that he is a fountain that brings living water. Secondly he says they have done the evil of digging for themselves cracked cistern that can hold no water.


God is the source of living water. Jesus tells us in the NT that we would have rivers of living water flowing out of our bellies. Cracked cisterns refers to our ways of trying to contain yesterdays water. We can't! God wants our relationship with Him to be in constant motion like the flowing of a fountain. We must learn to flow with Him and let Him satisfy our thirsty souls instead of trying to save yesterdays water. We need to flow with Him today. A fountain will continue to run forever, a cistern can only hold a little bit, but we are wired to try to hold onto yesterdays flow of the Spirit instead of moving with Him today.


Father, you called building cisterns and not flowing with you evil. You are my supply, my source, my provider, my deliverer, my healer, my care-taker, my rock and my fortress. You are my everything! Help me to walk with You more fluidly instead of trying to capture yesterdays flow of water. Help me to walk in step with Your Spirit daily and to abide in the vine continually. Let me flow with the fountain and let the river of God flow through my life freshly every day.

Your Son,


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