Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Word of God


Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires".


The word of God has incredible power to bring transformation. Remaining in the word of God will change you from the inside out. It does spiritual surgery all the way down to the heart. It can get all the way down to our thoughts and desires. The word of God is an exposure of hidden things. I love where it says, "the word of God is alive". It is living and working every day to bring us more into the image of Christ.


If the word of God is so powerful, why do we as Christians have such trouble following the Lord and doing the right things? I would say it is not the Word of God's problem, but rather the problem is that we don't read it enough and apply it to our lives. We must look at the word of God as if God was standing in our room speaking audibly to us every day. We must treasure it and hide it in our hearts. My car can have all the power available under the hood, but if I don't press the accelerator, I can't use the power.


You are so good. You have given us Your Word which is alive and powerful. You gave us all we need, help me to feed on it daily and be washed by it continually. Let Your Word dwell in my heart and let me meditate on it more. I want your word to fill my life. Help me to get back to memorizing scripture.

Your Son,

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