Saturday, January 15, 2011

Opened Eyes and Unplugged Ears


Isaiah 35:5 "And when He comes, he will open the eyes of the blind and unplug the ears of the deaf".


Isaiah is prophesying about the coming of the Messiah. This prophecy was fulfilled in the life of Christ, the eyes of the blind were opened and the ears of the deaf unplugged. Seeing and hearing are two incredibly important senses that God has given us. Though we may or may not be blind or deaf physically, many are blind and deaf spiritually and don't know how to see what God is doing or hear what He is saying.


Jesus came to take down the wall of separation between us and the Father. He came to give us access into the Holy of Holies where we can commune with God as friend to friend. Sin separated man from God, Jesus put us back together. He wants us to be able to see what God is doing and hear God's voice. We must pursue Him and seek Him with all our heart, then He will be found by us. I want my spiritual eyes opened and ears unplugged more and more.


Lord, open my eyes to see You at work in my life, my church and my region. Open my eyes to see where You want me to go and what You want me to do. Open my ears to hear your voice clearly. As we fast this week, let me hear Your faintest whisper and commune with me I pray. I want to know You more!

Thank You,


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