Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fixed Thoughts and Perfect Peace


Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!"


Isaiah is singing a song of praise to the Lord. He declares that all who trust in God will also have perfect peace, all whose thoughts are fixed on Him. True trust always brings peace because, no matter how bad the present situation is, you "TRUST" that God will take care of it. The ways to trust more is to keep my thoughts fixed on Him. One way to keep my thoughts fixed on Him is to sing a song of praise.


Singing songs of praise, like this one above, helps us keep our thoughts on the Lord. Fixing our thoughts on the Lord causes us to trust Him more. Lastly, when we trust Him more, our peace comes naturally. God wants to the center of our lives. When He is, everything else works out and trust is established. Rather than worrying about everything in life, learn to focus and trust.


Lord, You are my God! You are my rock and salvation! You are my deliverer! You always come through ad never leave me nor forsake me! You love me as your child and care for my every need. Why do I struggle trusting You more deeply? Why do I worry about things so much? Teach me to trust You on a deeper level. I will do my best to sing songs of praise and remain fixed and focused on You.



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