Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Power of the Lord


“The Lord's power was with them, and many people turned to the Lord and put their faith in him.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭11:21‬ ‭CEV‬‬


As Peter was going to the house of Cornelius, the first Gentile recipients of the Gospel, “the Lord’s power was with them, and many people turned to the Lord and put their faith in Him.” Peter had a vision, encountered angels and the Gentiles had dreams, had visions and encountered angels. God was letting the Gentiles know that they were being received by confirming His word with signs following.


Signs should follow the proclamation of the Gospel. When we follow the Lord, it is always an exciting journey. His hand comes upon our lives and things happen around us that can’t be explained my human reasoning. As ministers, we should long for the power of the Lord to confirm what we are speaking so that people can be open to receive what we have to say.


Lord God Almighty, I don’t want to do ministry for You, but to do ministry with You in my life. I don’t ever want to preach unless You are going to confirm Your word to those who are in attendance. ThankYou for anointing my life and allowing me to serve in Your kingdom harvest fields. Thank You for enabling me thus far, but I never want to lose Your power working in and through my life. Cleanse me and make me new and help me to constantly want in step with You.

Yours Forever,


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