Tuesday, October 28, 2014

We are Not Consumed


Lamentations 3:22-23  "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."


The author had just spent three chapters talking about how the Lord had abandoned His people for their sins.  He was ranting for a long time about how the Lord had forsaken them.  Suddenly his attitude and perspective changed and he said, "because of the the Lord's great love we are not consumed".  His perspective went from accusing the Lord, to realizing they deserved worse and the Lord could have delivered worse.  Simply the fact that they were not consumed was something to praise God about.


Things may not be very good.  They might be really terrible right now, but they could always be worse.  God could have consumed us for our sins, but He hasn't.  His compassions are new every morning and His faithfulness is great.  Sometimes we need to step back and thank God for not giving us what we rightfully deserve.  He hasn't consumed us, therefore we should praise Him.  This is humility.


Lord, help me with my perspective on things.  Help me to see all You have done for me simply in not allowing me to be consumed.  Give me strength today for all you have called me to do.  Help me to hear your voice clearly and to react to it accordingly.

Your Son,


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