Tuesday, September 23, 2014

In That Day


Isaiah 19:23  "In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria.  The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria.  The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together."


Isaiah is prophesying about Egypt and what will take place.  During the prophecy, he continually says the words, "in that day".  It is like he is letting everyone know that there is an appointed time for them when He is going to work powerfully among them.  He gives several things that will happen "in that day".


God does work in times and seasons.  There are appointed times in God when He is going to do certain things nationally and internationally as well as in our own lives.  It seems like, "in that day", is something we have heard prophetically from the Lord before.  We just wish "that day", was today.  We long for "that day" that we know is coming, while today we must move forward in faith, waiting for "that day".


Lord, there are so many "that days" that have been spoken over my life.  Help me to walk in faith until "that day" comes.  Help me to walk through each season with a pure heart and a loving spirit.  Help me to be prepared for "that day" when it comes.  Speed up the fulfillment of words spoken over my life.


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