Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sometimes We Don't Understand


Job 16:16-17  "My face is red with weeping, dark shadows ring my eyes; yet my hands have been free from violence and my prayer is pure".


Job had been through terrible loss, pain, grief, etc.and yet, had done nothing to deserve it.  He was truly a righteous mans who went through some terrible difficulties.  He lost everything and his own body was in misery, yet he remained faithful to God, who he thought was doing all this to him.  Sometimes, we can do everything right, yet it seems like our lives are falling apart.


Job did nothing wrong, yet had to go through some horrific events in his life.  He did everything right, yet things went so wrong.  Sometimes we can do everything right, yet our lives get messed up by the enemy.  We often look through our lives to see where we messed up and what we did wrong.  We look for hidden sin that may have brought this season on us.  Sometimes, bad things happen to good people and there is no answer for why.  We must learn to trust God and not beat ourselves us looking for an answer.


Help me to trust You in good times and in bad times.  Teach me to walk with you in purity on heart.  When bad things happen, let me trust You and now feel like I brought it on myself.  I love you Lord.  You are awesome!


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