Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Redeemer Lives


Job 19:25  "I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth".


Job had undergone some of the most devastating loss of anyone in history.  He had been through extremely difficult times, to a level we can't even understand.  In the midst of his trouble, he says, "I know my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth".  Even in the worst of times, he never forgot that God was still in control.


When we go through tough times and we don't feel like anything is going our way, we should be reminded that our redeemer lives and that one day he will stand on the earth.  In others words, God is going to win in the end and we will be raised up to reign with him forever and ever.  Whatever things we must endure on this earth, we can know it is temporary and eternity is forever.


Father, help me to see You as reigning supreme over all.  Help me to realize when things are difficult, that you are still on the throne and that my redeemer lives.  You are amazing, help me realize it more each day.


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