Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Good Deeds Eventually Get Attention


Esther 6:2  "It was found recorded there that Mordecai had exposed Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's officers who guarded the doorway, who had conspired to assassinate King Xerxes".


Mordecai had done a good deed and seemingly was never recognized for it.  He had saved the king's life by exposing the plans of those who were going to kill the king.  At the time, nothing had been done for him, but God made sure his good deeds were exposed just at the right time.  God raised him up at exactly the right time to save the Jews from disaster.


When we do good deeds for others, not expecting anything in return, we are giving God ammunition to use on our enemies.  Just as God caused the king to see Mordecai's good deeds, He can use our good deeds, done in secret, to reward us openly.  Let's be quick to do good deeds whenever possible, they will come back to be used in our favor later.


Lord, let my life bring you praise.  Help me to live a life full of good deeds and helping / serving others.  Help me fill your hands with an arsenal of good deeds that You can use whenever needed to defend my case.  Thanks Lord.  You are the best!


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