Thursday, January 23, 2014

Unforgiveness Has Serious Consequences


Matthew 18:35 "This is how your heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart".


Jesus told a story about a man who had been forgiven much, but couldn't forgive someone who owed him a much less amount.  When the man was caught, he was turned over to the jailers to be tortured until he paid back all he owed.  Then Jesus says the above statement, "this is how your heavenly Father will treat you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart".  This is serious business.  He is saying that God will allow you to be tortured when unforgiveness remains in your heart.


When we can't forgive someone who has sinned against us, we can expect things to go terribly wrong in our lives.  Jesus, in another teaching, says that if we can't forgive others, God can't forgive us.  This is scary Scripture!  We must be a people who are quick to forgive those who offend us.  We cannot walk in God's blessing when unforgiveness is in our heart.  He has forgiven us for so much.  We must also forgive others.


Father, help me to walk in complete forgiveness with everyone who offends me.  Teach me to act as you would toward those who hurt me.  I want to walk in blessing and not give room to the enemy through unforgiveness.

Forever Yours,

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