Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Distinction


Exodus 8:23  "I will make a distinction between my people and your people.  This sign will occur tomorrow".


Moses was proclaiming a plague of flies over the land of Egypt.  He was telling Pharaoh to let his people go so they could worship God in the wilderness and Pharaoh was lot listening.  After several plagues, God made a distinction and no longer sent the plagues everywhere.  God protected His people from the wrath He was pouring out on Egypt.  His people were not touched by the plagues while Egypt was being crushed.


God makes a distinction between those who are His and those who are not.  He distinguishes His people from the rest and protects them.  He is looking through the world today for those whose hearts are completely His.  He is drawing His people to Himself that He may protect them.  As God's people, the world should see a difference in our lives and theirs.  They should see that God protects us, keeps us, and blesses us.


Lord, let me walk a walk that is pure before You.  I want to see Your goodness revealed in my life in such measure that it distinguishes me from the world.  Let the world see Your goodness through my life.

Yours Forever,


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