Tuesday, January 7, 2014

God is With You


Genesis 21:22  "At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, 'God is with you in everything you do'".


Abimelek and Phicol were asking Abraham to be kind to them.  From being around Abraham, they came to understand that God was with him in everything he did.  As unbelievers, they still knew that God was with Abraham in everything he did and they wanted to be on Abraham's good side.


One of the greatest things the world can notice about God's people is that He is with us in everything we do.  I have to ask myself, "Am I living a life that would cause my enemies to notice that God is with me in everything I do?"  Abraham walked with God and wasn't perfect, but he obeyed God and followed the Lord in his life and God was with him.  I want to walk with God that way.


Father, I want to be with you and you with me in everything I do.  I want to know You more each day and to walk with You in intimacy.  I want the ungodly around me to have no excuse because they see God working in my life on a daily basis.  I want to glorify Your name.

Your Son,

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