Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Cannot Do It... but God


Genesis 41:16 "'I cannot do it', Joseph replied to Pharaoh, 'but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires'".


Joseph walked with God through many years of difficult situations.  He had come to know that it was God and God alone that should get the glory for things done in our lives.  He understood his humanness.  He knew the ability to interpret dreams did not belong to Him, but to God.  I love his words, "I cannot do it... but God will".  He knew that without God, he was useless to the Pharaoh.  He knew it was God who gave interpretations.  He also knew, through many years of walking with God through tough situations that God could be trusted.


We need to understand our humanness better.  Like Joseph, we must be able to say, "I cannot do it".  We also must realize that we serve an all-powerful God who CAN do anything and uses his servants to work through.  Realizing I can't do something and knowing that without God it is impossible is actually a really good place to be.


God, I cannot do the things You have put in my heart to do.  I know I don't have what it takes in me on a human level, but I also know that You are the God of the impossible!  You are amazing and nothing is too difficult for You.  Help me rely on You more and less on me.



  1. PJ: I had not read your post for today prior to writing to mine. I know that God still talks to you and me on the same page at times, like he did today. I used the same verse and quoted the exact same portion. What a mighty God we serve! I am going to Haiti in the summer. I miss you my brother. Love you. God bless. http://truthintheword.wordpress.com/

    1. Great to hear from you! We miss you and pray all is going well. Keep me in the loop with what you are up to in regards to Haiti, etc. I love it!
