Wednesday, January 15, 2014

God Sent Me Here


Genesis 45:8  "'So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God.  He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.'"


When Joseph was revealing himself to his brothers who had sold him into slavery, he told them they didn't send him there, but God did.  He realized at this point that the slave time, prison time, and the years of absolute frustration in his life were from God to get him into a position for his dreams to be realized and for his family to be preserved.  He realized that God's hand was on his life throughout the entire time and that God had a plan all along.


When our lives are fully surrendered to Christ, we can trust that, no matter how bad the current situation is, God has a plan.  God is continually working in our lives to bring about His purposes and sometimes we have to go through some bad stuff in order to get where He needs us so his will can be accomplished.  May I live in the constant understanding that, even though I don't understand why certain things happen, God does.  My life belongs to Him and His will is going to be accomplished in my life.


Lord, help me not be frustrated with present situations, but to realize that You are continually working things in my life.  Teach me to trust You more each day.  Help me to see clearly that, even though things may be difficult at times, You are working to get me where I need to be so Your will can be accomplished in my life.

Your Son,

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