Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Voice of Deception


I Samuel 23:21 "And Saul said, 'Blessed are you of the Lord, for you have had compassion on me'".


Saul was searching for David that he could kill him. Jealousy had invaded Saul's heart and he was on a search for David. At this point in the search, the Ziphites came to him and told him where David was and that they would deliver David into his hand. At this comment Saul calls them blessed of the Lord for doing what was wrong.


Deception is a powerful force. Satan is a master of deception. He will make you think you are doing God a favor when you are doing the opposite of God's will. In this story, Saul calls the people who are in the wrong "blessed of the Lord" and probably really thought the Lord had delivered David into his hand. The voice of deception will make you think God is working on your behalf when it is not God working at all. In these last days, we need to make sure we are hearing, not the voice of the flesh, but the voice of the master. We must seek Him out on all things and follow Him closely. We cannot afford to be deceived into thinking we have the favor of God just because something goes the way we wanted it to.


Lord, I want to walk in truth and integrity of heart. I want to hear Your voice and be pure in heart. Keep me from deception and let my heart be true. I want to hear Your voice more than ever. I want to know You intimately. Speak to me today Lord, then confirm it so I know it is from You. I don't want to miss what You speak to me.


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