Friday, September 30, 2011

Gratitude and Sacrifice


I Kings 8:63 "And Solomon offered a sacrifice of peace offerings, which he offered to the Lord, twenty-two thousand bulls and one hundred and twenty thousand sheep. So the king and all the children of Israel dedicated the house of the Lord".


King Solomon had just completed the construction of the temple. He had worked for years to build the temple his father had desired to build for the Lord. He was so blessed by the Lord in seeing the glory of the Lord at the dedication of the temple that he decided to offer the Lord a sacrifice. His gratitude to the Lord caused him to offer 22,000 bulls and 120,000 sheep. I cannot even imagine seeing that many bulls and sheep, let alone sacrificing them. This was an incredible and huge undertaking, even for the richest man who ever lived.


Solomon's response to God for God's blessing and favor on his life was to offer the Lord the largest sacrifice possible. Many people today expect the blessing of the Lord and, because it is expected, they don't offer thanksgiving offerings to the Lord. God has done so much for us. We should continually be offering Him the best sacrifice we can give. We need to demonstrate a thankful heart to God.


Father, help me to walk in thanksgiving for all You have done for me. You have provided for me every day of my life. You have taken care of me, rescued me, healed me and preserved my life. You are amazing and I offer you myself as a living sacrifice this morning. Use my life for Your glory. I don't have much else to offer, but You can have all of me. I am yours.

Your Son,


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