Wednesday, September 28, 2011

God Rewards Sacrifice


I Kings 3:4 "Now the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place: Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar".


The verse following this verse tells the story of Solomon's being asked what God could do for him. Of course Solomon replied that he wanted an understanding heart and discernment to lead Israel well. Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings to the Lord and the next thing you see is the Lord asking Solomon what he wants. It appears that God rewards sacrifice. I can't even imagine what a thousand burnt offerings looks like, but Solomon offered them as a sacrifice and was rewarded for it.


God sees every sacrifice we make for Him and He is faithful to reward those who are willing to sacrifice for Him. When we give sacrificially and serve God and others sacrificially, God sees it and keeps good records. Solomon made a huge sacrifice and received a huge blessing from the Lord. Instead of being afraid to sacrifice for the Lord, we should be giving Him our all and trusting Him in the fact that He does reward sacrifice. When we lay it down, He can pick it up and bless it.


I love you Lord! Thanks for working in my life lately. Show me Your Kingdom! I want to build Your kingdom in Your way. Help me to lay down my life for You and give myself completely to Your cause. You are my Lord and I will follow You all the days of my life.


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