Thursday, September 8, 2011

They Have Rejected Me


I Samuel 8:7 "And the Lord said to Samuel, 'Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them'".


Israel had told Samuel that they wanted to have a king over them like every other country. Israel was designed by God to be a theocracy where God was their leader and they were to follow Him. He fought their battles, provided for them, etc. He did an incredible job, but the people still wanted to be like the other nations. They rejected the Lord and the way He wanted to rule them.


Today we do the same thing to the Lord. We say we want Him to be our Lord, but we really want to run our own lives. We want to be king and when we do, we are rejecting the Lord from leading us, guiding us, providing for us, etc. As long as we are on the throne of our lives, Christ is on the cross, but when Christ is on the throne, we are on the cross. We must give Lordship of our lives over to the King and let Him reign over us. He has been around much longer and knows everything!


Lord, forgive me for rejecting You and Your leadership in my life. I'm sorry for the "I've got this, I can do this on my own" attitude. I want to rely on You more and more each day. Teach me to walk with You and yield to You in every area of my life. Jesus, be Jesus in me. No longer me, but thee. Resurrection power, fill me this hour. Jesus be Jesus in me.

You're the best,

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