Monday, November 8, 2010

Trust in the Lord


Psalm 125:1 "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.


Trusting God means allowing Him to be in control and lead the direction of our lives. When we truly trust Him, we live above fear, stress, anxiety, etc. Peace fills our lives. Many are moved by situations and circumstances, but those who trust in the Lord cannot be moved, no matter how bad the situation looks.


I want to be like Mount Zion and not be moved by what I see, hear, touch, taste, or feel. I want to be moved only by the Word of God and faith. I want to trust the Lord more and become more a man of faith than I have been. I want to walk more by faith and less by sight. I want God to truly be in control of every part of my life.


Father, teach me to trust You more and stop taking things into my own hands. Help me to walk as Jesus did and only do what I see You doing and only say what I hear You saying. Help me walk in Your ways and trust that You have my life under Your control. You are my father and I want to trust You like a little child trusts his father.



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