Thursday, November 18, 2010

Despised of the World


I Corinthians 1:28 "God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important".


Paul is writing to the Corinthian people and telling them that God's wisdom supersedes the world's wisdom. He talks about how God chooses the simple things to confound the wise. God will demonstrate to the world that He is God! He will use simple people who carry a powerful anointing to show that the wisdom of the world is nothing compared to the power of God.


Sometimes God asks me to do things that don't make sense to me. Sometimes He asks me to step out in faith and believe Him for things that I can't understand. When I fall to my own understanding, I fall miserably, but when I lean on Him and don't ask questions, He comes through every time. When I walk in obedience to what makes no sense to me, God always confuses the wise and makes them say, "there must be a God in heaven". God is looking for people today who are willing to look like a fool for Him in order that He will confuse the wisdom of the wise.


Father, I want to see You work in power. My region is very intellectual and is full of very wise people in human wisdom. Your wisdom far exceeds human wisdom and You use simple, willing vessels to reveal Your glory through. My region needs to see a demonstration of Your power. Come in power to this area and reveal Your glory! Come and move in our midst until the wise are confounded. Do what only You can do! I Love Serving You,
Jeff Jacob

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