Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Reaping in Joy


Psalm 126:5 "Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy".


The Psalmist shares a little insight about sowing and reaping that we often neglect. We constantly hear about sowing in good ground, sowing by faith, reaping what we sow, etc, but here it takes a little different twist. Here it shows sowing when it is painful and bringing tears. His word for them is that they will reap in joy.


The time of sowing is not easy under any circumstances. Sowing is hard work and brings pain. Reaping brings forth joy in our hearts because the work has paid off and the harvest is coming in. Sowing in tears is difficult! It would be much easier if God would bring in the harvest while we were sowing so we could see the final results to encourage us in the process. The sad thing is that when we are sowing, we can see nothing happening and must trust that what we sowed, we will reap. I feel like I have been sowing a long time and haven't seen the harvest come into its fullness yet.


Father, teach me to trust that every seed I sow will produce eventually. Help me understand this principle better. I want to come forth with joy in the harvest. I want to walk by faith, not sight, and know that I have sown in tears and will reap in joy. I am more than ready for the season of joy! I love You Lord, and I am Yours forever. Thank You for the recent signs of a joyful harvest coming.

You're the Best,


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