Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ever increasing Glory


II Corinthians 3:18 "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is spirit".


Paul is speaking of the glory of the New Covenant. He talks about how the glory of the Old Covenant caused Moses' face to shine and for him to need to wear a veil in front of the people because of God's glory on him. Now he says we have unveiled faces and are reflectors of the Lord's glory. He says we are being transformed in his likeness with ever-increasing glory.


Can I say that I am being transformed into the likeness of Christ with ever-increasing glory or have I gotten satisfied with where I am in my relationship with Him? After reading this verse, I want to become a better reflector of the glory of the Lord. I want his glory to be ever-increasing in my life. I want to be transformed into His likeness as the verse says. We must stay away from things that diminish his glory and likeness in our lives and begin to allow Him to shine through us more and more each day.


Father, I want to be a glory reflector! I want to shine for You. Help me to live a life that you can shine on. Teach me to become a better Christ-follower and become more like Him every day. Let Your glory be ever-increasing in my life, that you may be glorified in and through my life.



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