Saturday, November 28, 2015

Knowledge... We Need It


Hosea 4:6  "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.  'Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children'".


Hosea is told here that God's people are destroyed because of a lack on knowledge and because they have rejected knowledge.  God wants His people to use the knowledge they have been given and to increase in it.  He expects His people to listen to His voice, which is the voice of knowledge.


We must be people who are ever-growing in knowledge.  God has given us wonderful brains and He expects us to develop and use the knowledge He gives us.  If God gave us brains, we need to do our best to use them for His glory.  We should never be satisfied with our present level of knowledge because our God is infinite and there is always more to learn.


Father, help me to be a seeker of knowledge.  Help me to discipline my life to be one who continually seeks to grow intellectually and spiritually.  You are worth the pursuit!


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