Saturday, November 7, 2015

God's Desire - To Recapture Hearts


Ezekiel 14:5  "I will do this to recapture the hearts of the people of Israel, who have all deserted me for their idols".


Just before this passage we can see how God is going to punish His people for worshiping other gods and playing the prostitute with them.  He was very angry at their actions, but we must hear His heart.  He gives us the "why".  He says the reason is so that He can "recapture the hearts of the people of Israel".  God's discipline is meant to draw us back to Him, but push us away.


God strongly desires to be first place in our lives.  He want us to worship Him first and foremost.  When our lives get out of order and we begin serving ourselves or other gods, He gets jealous of our love and devotion.  He wants to recapture our hearts so that we love Him more than anything else.  We need to realize that God's discipline is not simply to punish us, but to make us want Him more.  The earlier we realize this, the earlier we will see His blessing.


Father God, let my heart be captivated by You at all times,  Be the center of my life.  I don't want you to ever have to "recapture" my heart because I went astray.  Help me to serve You well and to stay in love with You at all times.  You are the greatest!

Love Always,

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