Wednesday, November 4, 2015

God's Global Intention


Ezekiel 7:27  "The king will mourn, the prince will be clothed with despair, and the hands of the people of the land will tremble.  I will deal with them according to their conduct, and by their own standards I will judge them.  'Then they will know that I am the Lord'".


As we read throughout the Old Testament this time, I see God's heart in judgment as well as in blessing.  When we see passages in Isaiah and Jeremiah, and now in Ezekiel concerning God's judgment of Israel, Judah, or any other nation, I see this phrase, "then they will know that I am the Lord".  In this particular passage God is talking about the land of Israel and how they had wandered far from God.  In His judgement of them, you hear His heart, "that they will know that I am the Lord".


God has a global intention.  He wants the world to know that He is Lord.  When He works on the earth, it is so that "they will know that I am the Lord".  When He would bless Israel for her obedience, it was so that the world would know that He is Lord.  When God works, it is so that the world will see that He is Lord.  When our lives become about letting the world know that He is Lord.  The blessing of God will come strongly over our lives.  We must be about God's overall intention on the earth.


Father, thanks for showing me this today.  Let my life bring Your honor and fulfill Your global intention.  I want the world to know You. May Your name be glorified in every nation!  May Your kingdom advance strongly throughout the earth in my days.  Help me to live a life focused on Your intentions and not my own.

Your Son,

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