Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Seeking God's Counsel


Joshua 9:14  "So the men of Israel took some of their provisions, and did not ask for the counsel of the Lord".


The men of Israel made a covenant with their enemies when they came to them saying they had heard how Israel had defeated other peoples that were greater than them.  They said they feared the Lord and how the Lord had delivered His people in other times.  They gave themselves to be servants to Israel.  When Israel made a covenant with them, they did not ask the Lord's counsel.  They didn't ask because they knew what the answer would be and they liked the idea of having servants in the Promised Land.


Sometimes we don't ask God's opinion on something because we know what His answer will be.  We don't want to feel rebellious so we don't ask.  Sometimes, things can look like a great blessing to us, but if we inquired of the Lord, He may say no because He knows something we don't.  Even things that look good, may not be God's best for us.  We must seek His counsel in every decision in life.


Father, I want to stay in line with Your will and plan for my life.  Help me to be sensitive to your voice and help me to obey.  Remind me to seek Yours counsel on everything in my life.  I want Your direction, provision and reign in my life and not to simply lean on my own understanding.

Your Son,

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