Monday, August 18, 2014

Staying Fresh and Green


Psalm 92:12a,14  "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree...They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green".


The Psalmist here tells us that the righteous will flourish like a palm tree and that in their old age they will continue to bear fruit and be fresh.  It seems like when people really walk with God, their old age remains productive.  They lead people to Christ and continue to grow in Him throughout the years.  They have purpose beyond retirement.  They stay fresh.


If we stay on the earth, we will all grow old.  Growing old doesn't mean we have to get bitter, angry and resentful.  We can grow old gracefully and continue to flourish and produce fruit.  The key is righteousness.  Remaining focused on God and His will instead of focusing on ourselves.  Living life for Him instead of ourselves keeps us fresh and fruit-producing.  It keeps us flourishing.  I want to flourish in my old age.


Lord, I want to serve You every day of my life.  I want to live in a way that blesses You and your Kingdom.  Help me walk in righteousness and bear fruit till the end of my life.  Keep me fresh and green till I enter the fullness of your kingdom.

Your Son,

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