Friday, August 8, 2014

Put Your Hope In God


Psalm 42:11 "Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God".


The Psalmist here is speaking to his own soul and telling his soul what to do.  I love this because his soul doesn't dictate to him how he is going to be, rather, he speaks to his soul and tells it what to do.  He tells his soul to put it's hope in God because praise was going to come again.  The Psalmist didn't let his soul rule him, he ruled his soul.


Our soul, our mind will and emotions, can really give us false information if we let it.  It will tell you that you're not feeling good so its going to be a terrible day, etc.  We need to rule our emotions and not let our emotions rule us.  We need to tell our emotions to be still because our faith is in God, who we will praise again.


Father, You are amazing and always give us what we need.  Your mercies are new every morning!  You are amazing, wonderful and beyond comprehension.  Help me to rule my soul better and manage my emotions with faith.


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