Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Test


Judges 3:4  "They were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the Lord's commands, which he had given their ancestors through Moses".


God told the Israelites to go into the Promised Land and totally eliminate everyone there.  They were to completely annihilate their enemies and God was going to back them up and make it happen.  They chose rather to make treaties with their enemies, leaving them in the land God had promised them.  They did everything God had told them not to do.  They were left there to test the Israelites through the years to see if they would fully follow God.


What is not fully removed from our lives will remain a test to us.  Sin, that we know needs to be removed, will become a test to us.  God will allow it as long as we allow it.  He will leave it alone to see if we will choose Him or the sin when trouble comes.  His desire for us is a life of no compromise that He can bless.  He wants a people who will truly put Him first, but leaves tests for us, wanting us to choose Him above all else.


Father, help me wipe out every part of me that holds onto the past and relies on my flesh.  Help me fully obey You in every area.  Help me to grow more like You each day.  I need You Lord..  Help me be a reflection of You to the world around me.

Your Son,

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