Friday, April 11, 2014

All God's Promises


Joshua 21:45  "Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed, every one of them was fulfilled".


Joshua was just finishing up dividing all the land God had given them.  God had given every piece of land He had promised them and driven out every enemy, fought battles for them, and gave them possession of the land.  After dividing the land and seeing the goodness of God, Joshua says, "Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed, every one of them was fulfilled".


God is not a human that He would lie to us.  When He makes a promise, it will come to pass.  The problem is, it usually doesn't come to pass on our time table.  Moses sent Joshua and the spies into the Promised Land 40 years before they actually entered it, then it was at least five years of fighting battles with the people of the land before the inheritance was actually theirs.  God's promises are always fulfilled when we walk with Him and do what He wants us to.  Sometimes they don't come as soon as we would like.  With faith and patience we inherit the promises.


Lord God, You are amazing and You are a keeper of promises.  Nothing You promised Israel fell by the wayside.  You fulfilled all Your promises.  You don't change, therefore I thank You that I will inherit all the promises You have put into my heart.  Increase my faith and help me to persevere.


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