Thursday, April 17, 2014

Filled with Joy


Acts 13:52  "And the believers were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit."


Throughout the book of Acts and the Gospels, we read these words over and over again.  "and the believers were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit".  It apparently was normal for God's people to be filled with joy.  Today, so many of God's people have lost their joy.  Life's problems have overtaken us and we lose one of the fruit of the Spirit.  As Spirit-filled people, we should also be filled with joy.


It's time to get our joy back!  It's time to let this fruit be manifested again in my life.  I know I don't laugh as much as I did in the past.  I know I don't smile as much as I have in the past.  One of the main evidences of the Spirit being at work in us is joy.  As we spend time with God, His Spirit will fill us more and more.  When we are filled, our joy level will move back to full.  We must also make a conscious decision to laugh sometimes, it is good for the soul and gives us strength.


Lord, I want my joy back.  I want to walk in the fullness of Your Spirit and for Your joy to fill my life again.  I come to You this Resurrection season and ask You to resurrect my joy.

Your Son,

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