Monday, April 2, 2012

The Lord of Heaven's Armies


Jeremiah 51:19 "But the God of Israel is no idol! He is the creator of everything that exists, including His people, His own special possession. The Lord of Heaven's Armies is His name".


This text speaks of one of the names of God that needs to sink into our hearts instead of rattling around in our brains. It says He is no idol, but the creator of everything including His people. It then goes on to remind us of His name, "The Lord of Heaven's Armies". This is a powerful or title that demonstrates who He is. It lets us know that there are armies in heaven at His disposal that will make His will be accomplished.


If we are His own special people, and He is the Lord of Heaven's Armies, then we never have anything to fear. We simply put our trust in Him and know that He has our back with the most powerful armies the world has ever seen. We should be bold in God because we know the Lord of Heaven's Armies is with us. We can be confident in Christ because we know that every enemy can and will be defeated. We must let this name drop into our heart so our trust in Him will increase. Nothing is impossible for the Lord of Heaven's Armies. When He speaks the word, armies move out to accomplish it!


Lord, let me know You more and more as The Lord of Heaven's Armies. Let me see Your awesome power displayed. Thank You for revealing Yourself to me this morning and letting me know that I am your special possession that your armies are to defend. You are too amazing for words.

Your Son,

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