Friday, April 27, 2012

Faith Tested


James 1:3 "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow".


James is just opening his letter to the 12 tribes scattered abroad and immediately following his opening greetings he comes out with this phrase and the one preceding it that says we should count it all joy when we enter various trials. He is saying to us that we should be joyful when we are tested in our faith because it will result in endurance growing in our lives. Endurance is a fruit of the Spirit, but it needs trials and tribulations to be developed.


We all want to be people of faith and endurance, but none of us like to have our faith tested. We say we want the fruit of the Spirit, but most fruit of the Spirit is improved by going through difficult things. Faith tests are those things that we would really like God to rescue us from, but He doesn't seem to come to the rescue and we have to endure and be patient while waiting on God, who seems to be taking His time instead of rushing to meet my needs. We must learn to walk through life with the Lord, following Him when it feels good and when it doesn't.


Father, I love You. I want to be an endurance runner in my relationship with You. I realize that it is the testing of my faith that produces endurance, but I want the fruit of the Spirit in my life. I want to be strong in You and strong in faith. Teach me to endure the tests of faith in my life.


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