Friday, April 13, 2012

Marked for Safety


Ezekiel 9:4 "He said to him, 'Walk through the streets of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of all who weep and sigh because of the detestable sins being committed in their city'".


God was preparing to judge Israel in a huge way because they were committing terrible sins. They were following after other gods and worshiping them in the temple of the true and living God. As the destruction team was preparing to go out, God sent out a team to mark those who were weeping and sighing because of the sins of the people in their city. These people had God's heart. They felt the same way He did about the sin of Israel and He told the destruction team not to touch the ones with the mark on them.


In this story, it was those who had captured the heart of God that were marked for safety. It was those who felt the same about sin that God does. It was those who felt the same way about godly living as He did which received the mark of safety and protection. We need to seek God until we have His heart on every issue. We need to seek Him until we feel like He feels about every are of our lives. When judgment comes, God looks for those marked who have His heart on things. He will protect those who reflect His image well.


Lord, I want to be marked by You for your protection, provision, and power. I want to know Your heart. I want to feel the same way You do about the things in this world. Help me to have Your perspective on things and to see things as You do.



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