Sunday, April 15, 2012

False Prophets


Ezekiel 13:2 "Son of man, prophesy against the false prophets of Israel who are inventing their own prophecies. Say to them, 'Listen to the word of the Lord'".


God speaks to Ezekiel very clearly about how much He hates false prophets who prophesy out of their own will and not His. He really gets on those who claim to have a word from the Lord, but really don't. He basically says to them that He will cause them to be in a place where they can't prophesy anymore. God takes false prophecy very seriously.


We need to be very careful when we give someone a "word from the Lord". We need to check our own heart and motives in every case because we don't want to misrepresent what God would want to say to them. A word of prophecy that is wrong can do very much damage to a person who believes God has spoken to them through this person. When we prophesy, we should do it humbly and with great reservation, making sure it is God speaking and not our flesh.


Lord, I want all of the gifts of the Spirit to flow in my life. I desire to be used in all of them to bring You glory. Help me to never make You look bad because I prophesied wrongly in Your name. Teach me to walk with You so that I may speak Your words accurately and not out of my own will and spirit.

Yours Forever,

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