Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wounds From a Friend


Proverbs 27:5-6  "Better is open rebuke than hidden love.  Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses".


Solomon understood relationships extremely well.  He understood how people operate and what brings about good, positive change in people's lives.  He lets us know that a real friend will wound sometimes and that it will be trusted.  He also tells us that an enemy multiplies kisses.


We should desire the people in our lives who will tell us the truth instead of those who only tell us good things.  We should desire a real friend who will be honest with us instead of friends who tell us what we want to heart.  A good friend will would at times instead of just telling the person that everything is okay and multiplying kisses their way.  Real friends confront.  False friends only say nice things.


Father God, help me to be a real friend.  Teach me to confront what needs confronted and to say things that will hurt when they are true and need to be said.  Help me to hear Your voice and to say what You want me to say at the exact moment You need me to say it.  I want to bring healing and health to people, but I need to hear Your voice clearly because I want it to be done well.


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