Saturday, November 29, 2014

Like a Faulty Bow


Hosea 7:16  "They do not turn to the Most High; they are like a faulty bow.  Their leaders will fall by the sword because of their insolent words".


Hosea describes Ephraim as "like a faulty bow" because they do not turn to the Most High God.  He says their leaders will fall by the sword because of their words.  The words "faulty bow" stood out to me this morning because a faulty bow cannot be trusted.  It will always go off target and never hit it's mark.


When we decide to figure everything out on our own and live the way we want to live in stead of looking God for answers and turning to Him, we will never hit the right target.  God has made a target for our lives that He wants us to hit, yet most of us do't turn to Him.  Therefore, we fell like we never hit the target.  We are a faulty bow.  A faulty bow won't work, even in the hands of the best archer.  How do we fix our faulty bow?  "Turn to the Most High".  We must turn to God with everything and stop trying to figure everything out on our own.  Seek Him with all our hearts and He will straighten out our bow.


Father, I turn to You.  Fix my faulty bow.  I want to hit Your target for my life.  I want to complete Your plan for my life and not my own.  Guide me.  Lead me.  Direct me.  Show me the way and I will follow.  You are awesome!  Thanks for sharing this with me today.

Your Son,

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