Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Judgment on Idolatry


Ezekiel 9:1  "Then I heard him call out in a loud voice, 'Bring near those who are appointed to execute judgment on the city, each with a weapon in his hand'".


God had just shown Ezekiel the sin and idolatry of Judah, it's priests and it's people.  They were worshiping other gods and bowing before them.  God had shown them His love, His power, and His Mercy so often in their past, yet they were bowing before other gods right in God's temple.  God was tired of it and was about to bring judgment.


Many are preaching and teaching today that God is such a loving and good God that He would never bring judgment in any way to a nation.  God is incredibly loving and good!  He is amazingly compassionate, but there is a place where He says, enough is enough.  I have done so much for them and they don't appreciate it.  Now I will show them my wrath so they will turn and worship me once again.  God does judge nations and the United States better get ready.


Father, have mercy on my country.  Forgive the sins of our leaders and people.  Have mercy on our people who have slaughtered innocent children on the altar of convenience.  Forgive us for not being able to tell the truth because we don't want to offend anyone.  Bring revival one more time to this nation that has been so awesomely raised up by You for your purposes in the earth.

Your Son,

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