Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Intercessors Needed


Job 16:21 "I need someone to mediate between God and me, as a person mediates between friends".


Job is really struggling to understand why all this terrible stuff has happened to him.  He had a hedge of protection around his life that was amazing and God has blessed him immensely.  Suddenly it is as if the hedge is gone and God is no longer looking out for him.  His life goes downhill quickly and he can't understand why.  In his search for answers, he says he needs a mediator between him and God.  He was looking for someone to stand between him and God to figure out what was going on in his life.


Job was basically saying he needed and intercessor.  He needed someone to stand in the gap for him before God.  An intercessor is one who does exactly that.  An intercessor stands and prays on behalf of another.  They stand between God and that person.  We all need what Job needed, someone to stand in the gap and pray for us.  I generally find that when I answer someone else's need, God sends someone to answer mine.  Therefore, the best thing I can do when I need an intercessor is to begin interceding for someone else.


Lord, let me stand in the gap for someone else today.  Teach me to be a better intercessor.  Show me how to be more effective in praying for others who are going through serious troubles.  Teach me Lord.


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