Monday, February 25, 2013



Psalm 8:6 "You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority".


The Psalmist is talking to God about mere mortals and how much God has blessed them in creation that they would be made just a little lower than the angels.  In describing how God originally made man, he states, "You gave them charge over everything you made, putting all things under their authority".  The Psalmist understood that God had given authority over all his creation to man, who was formed in His own image.  He says "all things" have been put under our authority.


Most of us don't feel like we have authority over anything, let alone over everything.  We can't seem to take authority over our own lives, therefore we don't believe we have authority in life.  I can't seem to get authority over my own body, how can I take authority over my city?  The fact is, truth is truth, and that doesn't include my feelings or my own opinions.  If God said it, it is true.  He said we have authority over all of His creation.  We have it!  We must begin to live like we have that authority.


Lord, teach me to walk in Your authority.  Help me to realize that You have given authority to us and that we are to use it properly.  I want to walk by faith and not by sight.  I want to listen to Your word and not my feelings or opinions about Your word.  If you said I have authority in the earth, then I want to walk in that authority.


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