Tuesday, February 5, 2013

God's Make His Enemies Look Bad


Esther 9:1 "On that day, the enemies of the Jews has hoped to overpower them, but quite the opposite happened.  It was the Jews who overpowered their enemies".


God has a great way of making His enemies look really bad.  On this occasion, the enemies of God's people had planned to overpower them.  They had been planning for a long time the destruction of the Jews.  Just before it happened, God had the right person find out about and he gave that person wisdom and guidance to do and say the right things.  His obedience caused a divine reversal to take place and on the very day the Jews were to be annihilated, they overpowered their enemies.


If God can save a nation in a very short time from destruction, what can He do in our lives?  He is awesome and His enemies are smart enough to fear Him.  When it looks like the enemy is winning in our lives, we must listen to the voice of God who will direct us on what to do in order to bring about our victory.  Mordecai had to listen to God's voice and do the right thing, then God gave the victory.  We must do the same if God is going to turn our disasters into testimonies.  We must follow hard after God and trust Him with our future and destiny.


Father, nothing is impossible for You.  Help me to grasp that more and more every day.  Teach me to follow hard after You and trust You with every decision in my life.  I belong to You and You can make my enemies be defeated.  You are able to bring victory out of the jaws of defeat.  Teach me to walk in You and to walk in victory.

Your Son,

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