Monday, April 30, 2012

A Good Reputation


Daniel 5:12 "This man Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, has exceptional ability and is filled with divine knowledge and understanding. He can interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve difficult problems. Call for Daniel and he will tell you what the writing means."


When King Belshazzar saw a hand writing on the wall of his palace, he was terrified and wanted to know what was written. he looked to his wise men, astrologers, etc and none of them could read the handwriting. When the queen mother heard about it, she knew exactly who to call. As she speaks of Daniel, you can hear his reputation. You hear things like: exceptional ability, divine knowledge, understanding, dream interpreter, riddle explainer and problem solver. What a resume!


Daniel had a reputation that went before him everywhere he went. He was known as someone with the wisdom of the gods. Even unbelievers in a place that didn't serve the living God, saw that there was something special about Daniel. His reputation was fantastic and made God look good. We need to think, when people see me, do they see Jesus? Am I a good representative of Christ? I want the world to see that God is real and that He is all powerful. We must be people who have a good reputation as people of God who can see what others don't see. We need some me and women of God who can do what the astrologers, new agers, and others cannot do.


Lord, Let my life be a great example of a man of God. Let my reputation be like the reputation of Daniel. Let the gifts of the Spirit fill my life as You filled Daniel with them. Help me to represent you well and make You look good!



Friday, April 27, 2012

Faith Tested


James 1:3 "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow".


James is just opening his letter to the 12 tribes scattered abroad and immediately following his opening greetings he comes out with this phrase and the one preceding it that says we should count it all joy when we enter various trials. He is saying to us that we should be joyful when we are tested in our faith because it will result in endurance growing in our lives. Endurance is a fruit of the Spirit, but it needs trials and tribulations to be developed.


We all want to be people of faith and endurance, but none of us like to have our faith tested. We say we want the fruit of the Spirit, but most fruit of the Spirit is improved by going through difficult things. Faith tests are those things that we would really like God to rescue us from, but He doesn't seem to come to the rescue and we have to endure and be patient while waiting on God, who seems to be taking His time instead of rushing to meet my needs. We must learn to walk through life with the Lord, following Him when it feels good and when it doesn't.


Father, I love You. I want to be an endurance runner in my relationship with You. I realize that it is the testing of my faith that produces endurance, but I want the fruit of the Spirit in my life. I want to be strong in You and strong in faith. Teach me to endure the tests of faith in my life.


Thursday, April 26, 2012


Ezekiel 47:12 "Fruit trees of all kinds will grow along both sides of the river. The leaves of these trees will never turn brown and fall, and there will always be fruit on their branches. There will be a new crop every month, for they are watered by the river flowing from the temple. The fruit will be for food and the leaves for healing".


Ezekiel was taken the by Spirit of the Lord to see the temple. A river flowed from under the threshold of the door that got deeper and deeper as it went out from the temple. This river brought healing everywhere it went. In verse 12 we see the fruit trees that are on both sides of the river. The leaves of these trees never turn brown and wither and there is always fruit on the branches. They produce fruit every month! These trees continually reproduce because the river of God runs next to them.


These words have been spoken over the congregation I lead many, many times. It has been repeated over and over that there would be a river that runs here and it would bring life and healing everywhere it goes. I love reading about the trees because these trees bear fruit every month. I want to see a church full of people who are bearing fruit every month and reproducing continually. May we learn to walk in the Spirit and be planted by the streams of living water. I love the presence of God, but I do want that encounter with God to bear much fruit.


Father, let Your Spirit run like a river through my life and church. Let those I minister to at Word of Life be like these trees that are fed by the river and bear fruit continually. Teach me to hear Your voice more clearly and to let the river flow as completely as You want it to. Help me not to hinder Your Spirit from flowing in our region, but to help the river flow even more freely.



Tuesday, April 24, 2012



Ezekiel 42:20 "So the area was 875 feet on each side with a wall all around it to separate what was holy from what was common".


In this description of the temple that God showed Ezekiel, there is a pattern of separating what is holy from what is common. There was a special place for eating holy offering. There were special rooms for the priests who ministered before the Lord. There was special clothing for the Priests to wear. There was no mixing of holy and common. What was set apart for God was holy, everything else was considered common.


Through the blood of Jesus, the formal walls of separation have been destroyed and we all can have access to God individually instead of through a priest. There is no wall of separation any more between holy and common eternally. Internally, inside of us, there still needs to be a wall of separation. We need to be "sanctified", or "set apart" from sin and set apart for God's purposes. We are all considered "holy" because of Christ and should live lives that are different from the rest of the world. We should be holy, separated individuals living in a common world as lights.


Set me apart Lord. Work in my heart a work of consecration. Help me to "come out from among them and be separate". Sanctify me Lord for the work You have called me to. Let my life be wholly committed to You and You alone. Teach me to walk in this world, but not be of this world. Heal Jim and Darlene today.



Monday, April 23, 2012

Can These Bones Live?


Ezekiel 37:3 "Then he asked me, 'Son of Man, can these bones become living people again?'".


God had taken Ezekiel out into a valley that was full of old, dry bones. He showed him many bones in the valley, then asked the question, "can these bones become living people again?" God is giving Ezekiel a picture of what He was going to do with Israel. Israel was basically dead and there seemed to be no hope for them, but God was telling Ezekiel that He would raise them up again and put His Spirit into them and that they would become a great army again. God asked Ezekiel a difficult question. Ezekiel answered with a great response, "only You know the answer to that". In other words, God, You can do anything You want to do.


Sometimes there are areas in our lives that we have given over to death and totally given up on. God is a specialist at bringing life out of death and raising things from the dead because only He can get the credit for doing something like that. God's question to Ezekiel elicited a response. He was working on Ezekiel's faith. In the areas we had just about given up on, God may ask, "Can these bones live?" Never give up on a dream, it may just live again. Never give up on a vision, it may just live again. Never give up, but do ask the question, "Can these bones live again?"


Lord, when I think of this story, I always think of lost people who seem dry and lifeless. I think of the multitudes who don't know Christ. I hear things like, "Can Ashburn live?" This morning I answer, yes Lord Ashburn can live again spiritually. Yes Lord, I believe revival is coming to Loudoun County. Yes Lord, I believe You will touch the nations with your power. This morning I answer, YES! YES! YES! I believe.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

I am Your Enemy


Ezekiel 26:3 "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am your enemy, O Tyre, and I will bring many nations against you, like the waves of the sea crashing against your shoreline".


Tyre had oppressed God's people and been a thorn in their side. Most of the book of Ezekiel so far has been God pronouncing judgment on Israel for her unfaithfulness. Here the tide turns to Israel's enemies. Tyre gets the bulk of this message because they rejoiced over the fall of Jerusalem. The one thing you never want is for God to say, "I am your enemy".


Today we have been taught so much about the grace and love of God, that we have forgotten about the fear of the Lord. It is the fear of the Lord that brings wisdom. Today we see only a God who loves everyone and would never hurt anyone in any way. God's love and righteousness demands judgment. We need a healthy fear of the Lord. He truly can wipe us out with one word if He so desired. We must respect Him and honor Him. His enemies will receive His vengeance. We desire His love. May we live in a healthy fear of the Lord again.


Lord, You love is amazing, and so is Your judgment. You are perfect in every way! Perfect in love and perfect in judgment. I want to live my life as a friend of God. Help me to have a healthy fear of the Lord, that my life may please You.



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

But I Found No One


Ezekiel 22:30 "I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but I found no one".


These are some of the saddest words in scripture. God was about to destroy Israel because of her sin and He looks for someone who will be righteous and stand in the gap to turn away His anger, but He couldn't find anyone. He doesn't require an army of righteous people to avert his anger, just a few. Yet still, He was looking for someone who was faithful to him and who would stop him from destroying Israel.


May God never have to say the words, "but I found no one" ever again. We should live our lives so that these words can never be spoken of our generation. When God looks for someone to intercede on behalf of our generation, who will be there, faithfully praying for them? God only needs a small remnant who are faithful to Him, yet at times in history He hasn't been able to find anyone. May it never come to pass again. May there always be a faithful people in His kingdom who He will find seeking Him in sincerity.


Father, When I read about how faithful you were to Israel and how they treated You, my heart is broken. You gave your everything for them and treated them excellently, yet they didn't appreciate you. When it came right down to it, You couldn't find anyone to stand in the gap for them. Help me stay in the place where I can hear Your voice and do what you tell me to do. When you are looking for someone, may you always be able to find me seeking your face.

Yours Forever,

Tuesday, April 17, 2012



Ezekiel 21:24 "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: 'Again and again you remind me of your sin and your guilt. You don't even try to hide it! In everything you do, your sins are obvious for all to see. So now the time of your punishment has come!'"


God is speaking to Israel in this passage. They had a covenant between them and they were never living up to their end of the covenant. They continued to serve other gods, worship idols, and everything else their covenant told them they couldn't do. Here God tells them that they don't even try to hide the fact that they are unfaithful. They are blatantly sinning against God and now He must punish them for it.


A covenant is a powerful thing, but there are terms to a covenant. If one party doesn't live up to their end, the contract is broken. Israel never seemed to live up to their end of God's awesome covenant with them. Finally God would judge them and bring punishment. Many people see God as a mean God because of scriptures like this, but we must understand His purpose was to bless them, but they wouldn't follow the covenant so He could. It is like a parent who tells their child the consequences of certain behaviors beforehand. When the child disobeys and the consequences are enacted, the child can't say the parents are mean. They knew the consequences beforehand, yet chose to disobey. We can't blame God for punishing sin. He wants to bless us, but our actions have consequences. We must point the finger at ourselves and not at a holy God.


Lord, Your word is so amazing! Thank you for sharing this with me today. You are not a mean God who punishes His people, rather, a loving God who has people who make wrong choices. Teach me to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh. I desire to follow you well and live in Your blessing!


Monday, April 16, 2012

I Will Restore You Too


Ezekiel 16:53 "But someday I will restore the fortunes of Sodom and Samaria, and I will restore you too".


In this very chapter, God has been rebuking Israel for her sins and telling her how awful she had been. He has been saying that they were worse than Sodom and Samaria because Israel was acting like a prostitute who was having sex and paying the other person instead of being paid. In the middle of a powerful rebuke calling them prostitutes, God says, "someday I will restore the fortunes of Sodom and Samaria, and I will restore you too".


God's love and faithfulness to us is absolutely incredible. Even in the midst of one of the worst rebukes you can find, He demonstrates His incredible mercy and grace. This shows me that God hates sin terribly, yet loves His children. It is wonderful that God never gives up on us, but may we live life in reaction to that love by not doing things that cause Him pain. May we live lives that are pure and receive His blessing and not His rebuke.


Lord, You are truly the restorer! You are always faithful to Your covenant, even when we are not. You were faithful to Israel when she was unfaithful to You. Help me live a life that pleases You in every area. I want to be under Your hand of blessing and not judgment. Thanks for the reminder of Your faithfulness today.



Sunday, April 15, 2012

False Prophets


Ezekiel 13:2 "Son of man, prophesy against the false prophets of Israel who are inventing their own prophecies. Say to them, 'Listen to the word of the Lord'".


God speaks to Ezekiel very clearly about how much He hates false prophets who prophesy out of their own will and not His. He really gets on those who claim to have a word from the Lord, but really don't. He basically says to them that He will cause them to be in a place where they can't prophesy anymore. God takes false prophecy very seriously.


We need to be very careful when we give someone a "word from the Lord". We need to check our own heart and motives in every case because we don't want to misrepresent what God would want to say to them. A word of prophecy that is wrong can do very much damage to a person who believes God has spoken to them through this person. When we prophesy, we should do it humbly and with great reservation, making sure it is God speaking and not our flesh.


Lord, I want all of the gifts of the Spirit to flow in my life. I desire to be used in all of them to bring You glory. Help me to never make You look bad because I prophesied wrongly in Your name. Teach me to walk with You so that I may speak Your words accurately and not out of my own will and spirit.

Yours Forever,

Friday, April 13, 2012

Marked for Safety


Ezekiel 9:4 "He said to him, 'Walk through the streets of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of all who weep and sigh because of the detestable sins being committed in their city'".


God was preparing to judge Israel in a huge way because they were committing terrible sins. They were following after other gods and worshiping them in the temple of the true and living God. As the destruction team was preparing to go out, God sent out a team to mark those who were weeping and sighing because of the sins of the people in their city. These people had God's heart. They felt the same way He did about the sin of Israel and He told the destruction team not to touch the ones with the mark on them.


In this story, it was those who had captured the heart of God that were marked for safety. It was those who felt the same about sin that God does. It was those who felt the same way about godly living as He did which received the mark of safety and protection. We need to seek God until we have His heart on every issue. We need to seek Him until we feel like He feels about every are of our lives. When judgment comes, God looks for those marked who have His heart on things. He will protect those who reflect His image well.


Lord, I want to be marked by You for your protection, provision, and power. I want to know Your heart. I want to feel the same way You do about the things in this world. Help me to have Your perspective on things and to see things as You do.



Thursday, April 12, 2012

God's Heart in Punishment and Discipline


Ezekiel 6:9 "Then when they are exiled among the nations they will remember me. They will recognize how hurt I am by their unfaithful hearts and lustful eyes that long for idols. Then at last they will hate themselves for all their detestable sins. They will know that I alone am the Lord".


God is speaking through Ezekiel all the punishments He is bringing on the people of Israel. He says some extremely devastating things that He is going to do to them. This makes God look like a really unloving God. His heart in punishment and discipline is seen in this verse. He wants them to see how hurt He is, feel bad about it, and repent so that they will know that He is the Lord. He brings judgment hoping it will turn the hearts of His people to Him. All He really wanted was to walk and talk with Him people, but they kept worshiping and serving idols instead of Him.


Hebrews tells us that whoever the Lord loves, He will chastise. We don't like verses like this in our New Testament. We want to see only the scriptures that tell us how good He is to us. He is good to us in His discipline. A father disciplines his son because he loves him and wants him to become the best he can be. Our heavenly father loves us enough to chastise us at times, which never feels good. We must see God's heart and respond quickly. His heart in discipline is for us to return quickly to Him in repentance so that we can walk closer with Him.


Lord, thank You for letting me see your heart in Your punishment of Israel. You just wanted a people that would love You and not run after other gods. You want your people to be completely yours. You do deserve our utmost dedication and we should never place anything above you. Keep me away from idols and the things that drain my time from You.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Your Own Heart First


Ezekiel 3:10 "Then He added, 'Son of man, let all my words sink into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself'".


In this passage at the beginning of Ezekiel God is really teaching Ezekiel how to prophesy to the people of Israel. He gives him his calling and assignments, then tells him exactly what to do. I love this passage because I live it in my own life and have never really been able to explain why until I read this. I tell our School of Ministry students that I don't preach a message until it drops from my head to my heart, then it will come out and connect spirit to spirit and in the power of the Holy Spirit.


A message from the head reaches the head and a message from the heart reaches the heart. This is another quote I use a lot in our school. I love to hear a messenger who has the message in his heart instead of just his head. It increases his personal passion in the message and increases its effectiveness. When preparing a message, "let it sink into your own heart first" is powerful teaching and I'm glad God has re-confirmed this to me again this morning.


Lord, I don't want my words to be lifeless and empty. I want my words to passionate and powerful at doing whatever Your will is to accomplish through them. Let me never preach a message that hasn't moved from the head to the heart. Help me to grow in this more and more. I have always felt it, now I see it in Your words to Ezekiel. Help me to live and personify this scripture.



Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Entertaining Angels


Hebrews 13:2 "Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it".


The author of Hebrews is telling people practical things about what to do in the Christian life. He talks about loving others, marriage, money, etc. In the midst of this challenge to live a solid and practical Christian life, the author says, "show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without knowing it". I believe angels are more involved with Christians than we give them credit for.


I don't want to be an angel follower or some kind of a spiritual fruitcake, but I do believe we are not seeing as much angelic activity as we should. The scriptures are full of accounts of angels telling people things, fighting battles,helping God's people out of bad situations, etc., yet if you talk about angels today, you are considered a spiritual nut. As for me, I am more than ready to entertain some angels like they did in Bible days.


Father, open my eyes that I may see more into the spiritual realm that is so real. Help me to be more conscious of what you are doing in the earth and of your messengers. I want more of You in my life!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Eyes on the Invisible


Hebrews 11:27 "It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king's anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible".


Egypt was extremely powerful and the people Israel were their slaves. Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt, which made their king very angry. The scripture says here that Moses didn't fear the king's anger. He kept on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible. Keeping your eyes on the invisible one will keep you in faith instead of fear.


I love the phraseology used here, "kept his eyes on the one who is invisible". It is a beautiful play on words. How can we keep our eyes on something invisible? Perfect love casts out fear and God has not given us a spirit of fear, yet many of God's people struggle with fear controlling their lives. When we put our eyes on our Father, fear cannot remain. Fear and faith cannot co-exist. When faith comes in and our eyes are on Jesus, fear must leave. We must keep our eyes on the invisible.


Father, Help me to keep my eyes on You. You are my help and my hope. You are my source and my resource. You are my everything! Teach me to keep my spiritual eyes on You at all times and to face the challenges of life with boldness and confidence because my trust is in You and my eyes are on You.

You are Awesome!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

He is Good, Even When we are Not


Lamentations 3:25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;


Jeremiah had prophesied God's destruction was coming to Jerusalem. He had spent a long time telling people to repent because God's Judgment was coming on them. The judgment came, the nation was a mess and destroyed, and now God's people were in a big mess because of their own sins. Even in the midst of God's judgment for their sins, Jeremiah starts telling the people to repent and come back to God because, "The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks him".


Sometimes when we have done wrong, we feel like God couldn't love use or be good to us. We must realize that God is good to those whose hope is in Him and to those who seek Him. Though we mess up at times, we must be reminded that God is good to those who continually run to Him and seek Him. Seekers are always winners. Those who seeks the Lord diligently always find shelter in Him and He always demonstrates His love to them, even when He has pronounced judgment on them.


Father, thank You for always accepting us when we pursue You. We are people who mess up at times and deserve Your punishment, yet when we seek You, You always work and bring good on our behalf. Help me to always appreciate and not take for granted Your amazing love and forgiveness.



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Put Into Action


Philemon 6 "And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ".


Paul is writing to Philemon about letting his lost slave Onesimus come back home. Paul has met Onesimus in while in prison in Rome. Onesimus gave his heart to the Lord and now Paul feels Onesimus must go back home and work under Philemon now that theyare spiritual brothers in Christ. He uses this phrase that stood out to me, "put into action the generosity that comes from your faith". In other words, faith should produce generosity and generosity must be put into action.


This is true of so much of the Christian life. There are so many things that we know, yet we haven't put into action. I fell like there are things in my life that I know, yet haven't put into action. God gives us thing through our faith in Him, then we must put them into action. Paul was saying to put into action the generosity that comes from faith, but there are many other things that comes from our faith that must be put into action. James said that faith without works is dead. We must put our faith into action.


Lord, I know there are things in my life and ministry that you have given me to do which I haven't yet put into action. Help me to put into action everything that I know You want me to do. I want to be more effective for you and to advance Your kingdom on the earth. Help me to have the discipline to put into action the things I know you have spoken to me about. Let my life be a life of obedient action.

Yours Sincerely,


Monday, April 2, 2012

The Lord of Heaven's Armies


Jeremiah 51:19 "But the God of Israel is no idol! He is the creator of everything that exists, including His people, His own special possession. The Lord of Heaven's Armies is His name".


This text speaks of one of the names of God that needs to sink into our hearts instead of rattling around in our brains. It says He is no idol, but the creator of everything including His people. It then goes on to remind us of His name, "The Lord of Heaven's Armies". This is a powerful or title that demonstrates who He is. It lets us know that there are armies in heaven at His disposal that will make His will be accomplished.


If we are His own special people, and He is the Lord of Heaven's Armies, then we never have anything to fear. We simply put our trust in Him and know that He has our back with the most powerful armies the world has ever seen. We should be bold in God because we know the Lord of Heaven's Armies is with us. We can be confident in Christ because we know that every enemy can and will be defeated. We must let this name drop into our heart so our trust in Him will increase. Nothing is impossible for the Lord of Heaven's Armies. When He speaks the word, armies move out to accomplish it!


Lord, let me know You more and more as The Lord of Heaven's Armies. Let me see Your awesome power displayed. Thank You for revealing Yourself to me this morning and letting me know that I am your special possession that your armies are to defend. You are too amazing for words.

Your Son,