Wednesday, September 1, 2010

God's Fantastic Favor


Esther 2:9 "Hegai was very impressed with Esther and treated her kindly. He quickly ordered a special menu for her and provided her with beauty treatments".


Many beautiful young women from all over the kingdom were brought the king's palace to take place in a beauty contest. The one that the king desired would become the queen. This was a huge event! There were many, many women and the king cold choose whichever one he wanted. God had His hand on Esther's life. He had a plan and needed her to win so He gave her favor with those in charge of the contest. The other thing I see here is that God was working this plan a long time before trouble arose so that she would be in the right position when she needed to be. God is never surprised, rather, He knows what is coming and prepares for it.


This story lets me know two things. God will give me favor and place me where He needs me for His plans to be accomplished in my life. Also, He knows the future and is always working out His plan. Esther received favor from the Lord and the king. God will give favor to you to get you where He needs you for His purposes. It really is all about Him and not us. The favor that comes to us is for God's purposes, not our own. God knows tomorrow and has me where He needs me today so that tomorrow will work out for His purposes.


Father, let me be led by Your Spirit and live a life of obedience to You. Lead me into Your destiny for my life. Teach me your ways and let me grow in You. I yield my life to Your plans and purposes. Use me to advance Your kingdom in whatever way YOU see fit. Keep me on YOUR plan for my life and let me finish well.

I Love You Lord,


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